Understanding the Dependant Relative Tax Credit (€245) for Parents in India
When applying for this dependent relative tax credit in Ireland, the Revenue Commissioners will send you a compliance check letter and ask you to provide the following additional details 1. DR1 Form Completion: You’ll need to fill in this form with details about your parents, including their names, addresses, and annual incomes. This data will […]
Accountant Offers Proven Advice To Reduce Your Tax Bill

Are you paying more tax than you have to?” Amit Bansal, one of the UK’s more sought- after forensic accountants, thinks you probably are paying too much tax. With Accountants For Good, he offers action-oriented, proven advice on how to reduce your tax bill with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). ‘As the UK tax system […]

There are various reasons why HMRC may issue a tax penalty. You may receive a penalty if you file your tax return late, your tax return is inaccurate, you are late paying tax that you owe or you fail to keep accurate records.